Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mark of Servility

Servility Can be Completed in one of two ways. Either one can find the evergreen druid during its super random, and maybe reboot only repop. Or one can go to Vospire, or Diocletian and find the Dignitary, or "Ambassador" there, upon attacking him and getting him to low hp, he will transform into a Moon imp. Here is where it is handy to have a friend near the Sigil Worldgate when you attack this imp. The friend should be able to run into the worldgate when you say its been sent running, and search for, or dig for a doorknob. Take this doorknob to sigil, to the room called Heartstone Northish of Sigil recall, where you see the strange outline of the door, and Use it. This will open the way to the moon, where the evergreen druid goes when its given the plant. This place is all filled with PK, one should be very carefull in here.

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