From the West Gate of Unseelie :4E, 1N, 4E, 2S, 2E, 2S, 1NW, 3W, 1NW, 1NE, 1E, Up, 1NE, 2N, 3NW, 1W, 2S, 1E
Scan this chamber or just wander around it to locate General Hesieno. Kill the General for a rusted key. Once you have the key leave the Conference Room chamber.
2N, 1E, 3SE, 2S, 1SW, 2S, 1SW, 3S, 1SE, 3E, Up, 1NE, 2SE, 1SW, 1NW, 1NE, 1SE, 1SW, 1NW, 1NE, 1SE
Unlock the door south, move south and prepare for CPK if you need/want to. Then move up and scan/explore the chamber to locate the Artificer. (The Artificer should be the only mob in the area so you shouldn't need to worry about any mobs attacking, the only risk will be from other players that may try to CPK you, but Unseelie isn't frequented all that often by players while they are alive.)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Vandyne High Priestess
From the Mighty Fountain of Life go one room east and two rooms south. Turn east five rooms and northwest one room. Go up and then one room southwest, and two more rooms east, then up again two rooms. You should be in an NPK room named "At The Peak". (You will need to be levitating to go further.) Search to reveal another exit up. Go up and then prepare yourself for CPK if you think anyone might try to PK you. Move northeast into the dizzy room and dispel it if you can either with dispel area, a negation orb, or something similar. Go one room west and after a few seconds you should be teleported to an NPK dizzy hallway. (This hallway can be tricky to navigate and very frustrating especially if someone is trying to chase you to PK.) Use the scan skill to determine how far you are from the eastern end of the hallway. Once you reach the east end of the hallway wait a few seconds and you should be teleported once again. You should find yourself in a room named "The Garden of Paradise". From here go two rooms southeast and you should find the High Priestess of Vandyne. (She is highly energy resistant and has the sanctuary spell affect so you will need to dispel her or you won't be able to get too many negative spells to land on her. Though it will be hard to dispel her it is possible. She's also immune to poison, but she can be weakened and cursed. Also note that because you won't be able to poison her she will regenerate fairly quickly outside of combat so it will be a little harder to solo her due to this.) She casts priest spells, tremor, blindness, plague, poison, etc. (*Note, that she can be webbed.) Once you are finished in the area you can recall or gohall from her room.
Maradas High Priest
From a Dark Entryway of the Maradas Temple you will need to locate a Priest of Dira that has a temple key. You can check all the other priests to make sure no more keys are around if you wish to have a bit more assurance that nobody will try to follow you into the temple PK areas. Once you have the key you will need to find the southwestern locked doors. Unlock one and enter. You can lock the door behind yourself if you want, the temple key has many uses so don't worry too much about whether or not it will break. Once inside you will need to go down. (Here is where it gets tricky because of no-magic dizzy rooms.) You may have a difficult time doing this, but you will need to go one room northeast, one room west, and one room northeast again. The sapphire key should repop on the floor in this room. Take the key and go back one room southwest, one room east, and one room southwest again. Move back up to the main level of the temple and then go south (*Note, unlock the door if it is locked. Don't bother to relock it unless you're feeling paranoid.) Move south one room and then southeast one room. Turn east three rooms and one more northeast. Unlock the north door with the sapphire key and move north. Relock the south and move one room down. (Again you may have some trouble following the path because of the no-magic dizzy rooms.) Go one room northwest, one room east, and one room northwest again. Use the temple key to unlock the invisible west door. (*Note, prepare yourself for CPK if you're worried about anyone trying to PK you.) Move west one room and then north one more room. (The northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest corners of this chamber as well as the central room are all CPK. The north, south, east, and west rooms are all no-magic NPK dizzy rooms. You will need to go east (through the wall) to an NPK dizzy room that appears to have no exits. Head north and you should find yourself at a Holy Sanctuary of Maradas. (This is a safe room. Also note that if you can track it is easiest to find this room if you track a carrion crawler. Another thing to note is that once you have gotten to this room you will not be able to go back the way you came in.) From the Holy Sanctuary of Maradas go one room south, one room southeast, one more room south, and one room southwest. Then go one more room south, and one room east to find the Altar to Maradas where the High Priest of Maradas should be. (He's not very powerful but he does summon elementals.) Dispel him, and then spell him up. (Flash bombs make the elementals easier to deal with as the flash bomb can blind all the elementals at the same time rather than having to use your spell points to blind them individually.) When you are ready to leave the area you can recall from the Altar to Maradas or use gohall.
Ithrilis High Priest
From the Gates of the Ithrilis Temple go two rooms south and one room west. Go south into the Pool of Faith and locate a sea serpent. Kill the sea serpent to get the porcelain key and go back north out of the pool. From the Lobby of the Ithrilis Temple go three rooms east and prepare yourself for underwater CPK. (You will want to be levitating at least. Underwater breathing helps but isn't necessary if you move quickly.) Go one room northeast and then down. Move six rooms south, and six more west, then go two more rooms north. (*Note, you can change back into normal gear as there won't be any more CPK.) Go three rooms east and then one room south. Move one room east (through the wall) and you will find yourself in a dizzy NPK hallway. (Using scan will help you determine how far you are from the doors in this hallway. As it is underwater you will want to get through as quickly as you can.) Open the first door and keep going north to the second door which you will need to unlock with the porcelain key. Open that door and once you get through you won't be in PK anymore. You should find yourself on a Small Landing. From here you will need to go two rooms west and one room north to find the High Priest of Ithrilis. Once you are finished in the area go one room south, two rooms west, and down. You should then find yourself Before the Mighty Fountain of Life.
Gath High Priestess
From Before the Mighty Fountain of Life go one room north, three east, twelve north, one more east, and two rooms northeast. Kill the burly guard for an iron gate key. Unlock the east and move one room east, two south, one southeast, three east, two northeast, and one north. Search in this room and open the east that gets revealed. Go one room east, one down, two west and wait at the dizzy room to be teleported. You should be teleported to a Damnation area. This area has a series of dizzy rooms all named "Damnation". They are all silenced rooms and NPK. Generally the best strategy is to just try spamming a direction towards any of the corners of the area. NW, SW, NE, SE. They are all named "Above a Fiery Abyss". All the corners will teleport you further into an NPK room named "Hall of Gath". Kill all the "fire-breathing salamanders" in that room, and in the room to the north and east of it. Also kill the "robed followers of Gath" in the east room. The High Priestess of Gath should be one room west of the room named "Hall of Gath". (The reason that you need to kill all the salamanders and robed followers is so that they won't walk into the room east of the High Priestess of Gath which is a private room and would prevent you from fleeing from the Priestess of Gath. Also note that the "Sacred Chapel of Gath" which is the High Priestess of Gath's room is CPK and also private so only one person at a time will be able to attack her.) The High Priestess of Gath is not aggro so you can cast calm when you get low on hit points if you need to. You can dispel her with a weapon if you want. She's not too hard to kill. You can also use a toy soldier for extra damage if you choose. You can also spell her up quite easily with curse, weaken, plague, poison, web, and faerie fire. She deals bash damage and casts spells like plague, poison, tremor, harm, and blindness. Just spell her up and heal yourself and/or cure poison/plague during combat or you can cast calm cure poison/plague and heal. This way you won't end up without spell points in the middle or at the end of combat. (Enervation does not work on the High Priestess of Gath.) Pretty much every other type of damage does work though. If you can't walk out because of salamanders blocking the way out you will not be able to use Word of Recall, home recall, gohall, or a puzzle box to get out. You can however use a featureless white cube or a black moonstone to get out if you are trapped at the "Sacred Chapel of Gath". If you're not trapped in you can just walk east one room and then north one room and go up to use one of the portals to get out. Or you can go one room east and then one room south to a safe room where the Gath Temple trainer is located. It's a no-magic room but you can recall/gohall from the room. (This is the trainer for Augment Aura and Sanctify.)
Dira High Priest
Go to Xaventry and locate the Entrance of the Dira Temple. You should find a stone golem there. Kill the golem for the obsidian key. Next you will need to locate one of the Dira Priests that wander around the outer and inner parts of the temple. (They sometimes hang around safe rooms.) You will need to kill the priest for the ceramic key or steal it from them, your choice. After you have both keys go back to the Entrance of the Dira Temple where you killed the stone golem and move seven rooms south and one west to find a locked door north. Unlock the door with the obsidian key. Go north and up to the Top of the Stone Pillar. Move east one room and then three rooms north to find the second locked door. Unlock the north door with the ceramic key. (Prepare yourself for CPK at this point and remember that you will need to be levitating.) Move north and you should be teleported after a few moments into a dizzy CPK room. You will need to move around the rooms until you can locate the room named "Sorrow". Wait in this room and you should be teleported again after a few moments into an NPK room named Nirvana. Move one room west and you should find the Dira High Priest. (Most of this area is no-magic with the exception of a single CPK room.) From the Secluded Shrine of Dira where the Dira High Priest is located you will need to go one room east. Turn northwest one room and then southwest one room. Go one more room west and one room south to find the CPK room where you can cast magic. (This room is where you will need to go to heal yourself or cast any other spells if you need to, but remember that it is a CPK room so be careful if anyone else is in the area so as not to be CPK'd.) The Dira High Priest is not particularly hard to kill just attack normally and flee when you need to heal and run to the CPK room quickly, heal up, and return to beat on the High Priest some more until he's dead. Once the Dira High Priest is dead and/or you are finished in the area you can leave by going one room east from the Secluded Shrine of Dira. Turn northwest one room and southwest one room. Then move three rooms west to the Room of Air Flow. From this room go one room southeast and one room northeast. You should find yourself back in Xaventry. You can move seven rooms east to get outside to the wilds.
Sanctity Gear
From Before the Tower of Art
(Almost all of the Tower of Art will be NPK that you travel through in this guide.)
2N, 7Up
3W, 3S
Kill the Grand Master Paladin until he drops a house key. (This key is very low repop so it will likely take many times killing the Grand Master Paladin in order to obtain the house key. If you need to wait for the mob to repop you can go 3N, 3E, 6N and you should find yourself in a non-PK room at the Altar Room of the Shrine of the Apocalypse.) Once you have the house key from the Grand Master Paladin.
3N, 3E, 7Down, 2S
Exit the Tower of Art and travel to the city of Lowangen south and southwest of the Tower of Art.
From the Main Gate of Lowangen
5N, 8W, 3N
Unlock the east door and prepare yourself for combat. When you're ready go east and attack the mob in the house. The door repop is a fairly short time so once you enter don't expect to be able to flee, you will have to either use calm or smoke bombs to stop combat if things start going badly. Once the mob has died you can loot the following possible items: a longsword named 'Sanctity', a blessed helm of sanctity, and the white shield of sanctity.
(Almost all of the Tower of Art will be NPK that you travel through in this guide.)
2N, 7Up
3W, 3S
Kill the Grand Master Paladin until he drops a house key. (This key is very low repop so it will likely take many times killing the Grand Master Paladin in order to obtain the house key. If you need to wait for the mob to repop you can go 3N, 3E, 6N and you should find yourself in a non-PK room at the Altar Room of the Shrine of the Apocalypse.) Once you have the house key from the Grand Master Paladin.
3N, 3E, 7Down, 2S
Exit the Tower of Art and travel to the city of Lowangen south and southwest of the Tower of Art.
From the Main Gate of Lowangen
5N, 8W, 3N
Unlock the east door and prepare yourself for combat. When you're ready go east and attack the mob in the house. The door repop is a fairly short time so once you enter don't expect to be able to flee, you will have to either use calm or smoke bombs to stop combat if things start going badly. Once the mob has died you can loot the following possible items: a longsword named 'Sanctity', a blessed helm of sanctity, and the white shield of sanctity.
Novvar the Sartyr
This can only be done after a reboot because the key you need only repops after a reboot. Also note, that only levels 61-119 can complete this run.)
Kill the Silver Knights in Sigil castle to obtain as many delicate jewelry boxes as you can get. Drop and sac them until you find one or more that tell you to remove the items inside first. With these boxes in your inventory you will need to fight something that can either use breath attacks and/or cast spells that can frag items. (*Note, that when doing this it's not suggested to wear items that aren't insulated as any equipment you are using that isn't insulated may also be destroyed.) When the delicate jewelry box(es) are destroyed you should find a silver unicorn key in your inventory, one key per box. (This key is insulated so you need not worry about it being destroyed when you are fragging the delicate jewelry box(es).
Once you have the silver unicorn key you'll need to wait until 5:30 AM game time and then go to the Gallery in Sigil castle. From the northeast corner of the Gallery chamber go one room south and search to reveal a locked exit east. Unlock the east exit and enter. (This room is a private room so only one person at a time will be able to enter it.) The guard there should allow you to go down if you enter the room around 5:30 AM, at other times he blocks the way.
When you are at the bottom of the Concealed Stairway you will want to prepare yourself for a tough fight. When you are ready go west into a Dank Cellar where you should find Novrar the necromantic beastmaster. This mob is a Satyr that hits very hard for a second classer to handle solo. (Novrar can't be blinded with flash bombs.) He is extremely aggro and uses necromantic spells and his spear does added damage and increases his healing rate as well. (A Valkyrie/Druid combination appears to be one of the better class paths to use if you want to solo this mob. If you are druid you will want to make use of your ash invocation spell to reduce the damage taken from his necromantic spells. Also note that it hasn't been determined whether the bottom of the Concealed Stairway is a private or solitary room so it may be possible to bring more than one person down to fight Novrar if you enter one by one.) When Novrar dies you can loot the following possible items: a bonedriven shield, a spear of the hemic unicorn, and an equine femur.
Kill the Silver Knights in Sigil castle to obtain as many delicate jewelry boxes as you can get. Drop and sac them until you find one or more that tell you to remove the items inside first. With these boxes in your inventory you will need to fight something that can either use breath attacks and/or cast spells that can frag items. (*Note, that when doing this it's not suggested to wear items that aren't insulated as any equipment you are using that isn't insulated may also be destroyed.) When the delicate jewelry box(es) are destroyed you should find a silver unicorn key in your inventory, one key per box. (This key is insulated so you need not worry about it being destroyed when you are fragging the delicate jewelry box(es).
Once you have the silver unicorn key you'll need to wait until 5:30 AM game time and then go to the Gallery in Sigil castle. From the northeast corner of the Gallery chamber go one room south and search to reveal a locked exit east. Unlock the east exit and enter. (This room is a private room so only one person at a time will be able to enter it.) The guard there should allow you to go down if you enter the room around 5:30 AM, at other times he blocks the way.
When you are at the bottom of the Concealed Stairway you will want to prepare yourself for a tough fight. When you are ready go west into a Dank Cellar where you should find Novrar the necromantic beastmaster. This mob is a Satyr that hits very hard for a second classer to handle solo. (Novrar can't be blinded with flash bombs.) He is extremely aggro and uses necromantic spells and his spear does added damage and increases his healing rate as well. (A Valkyrie/Druid combination appears to be one of the better class paths to use if you want to solo this mob. If you are druid you will want to make use of your ash invocation spell to reduce the damage taken from his necromantic spells. Also note that it hasn't been determined whether the bottom of the Concealed Stairway is a private or solitary room so it may be possible to bring more than one person down to fight Novrar if you enter one by one.) When Novrar dies you can loot the following possible items: a bonedriven shield, a spear of the hemic unicorn, and an equine femur.
Legendary Couatl
From the entrance of Rune Forest
1SW, 1NW, 1SW, 1NW, 1SW, 3W, 1NW, 2W, 1NW, 1W, 1SW, 5W, 2S, 2W, 1NW, 4W, 1N, 1NW, 1W, 1NW, 3N, 2NE, 1E, 1NE, 4NW, 2N, 1NW, 17N, 1E, Up
1E, 3N, 1W
Kill the organist for a shimmering key. After you have the shimmering key from the organist.
1E, 3S, 1W, Down
1W, 4N
Kill the high priest for a small silver key. Other possible loot includes: a gold-trimmed robe of the high priest and a sturdy white banded staff. After you have the small silver key from the high priest.
8S, 1W, Unlock the down and go down.
Kill the Captain Raymore for a worn iron key. Other possible loot items include the following: a polished white longsword and a suite of burnished silver platemail. Once you have a worn iron key from Captain Raymore.
Up, 1E, 8N
Search to reveal a down. Unlock the down and go down.
Unlock the north and go north. Kill the undead shade of Zakarius until he drops the stone key. Take the stone key. (Zakarius does not leave a corpse so you can't autoloot the items from him.) The following items can be dropped by Zakarius: a silver flail
1S, Up
12S, 3W, Unlock the north door
Enter the sarcophagus (You will be teleported instantly to an area that is normally filled with aggro mobs that breathe poison gas and form against you.)
3W, 7S
Bash the east door or use passdoor to walk through it.
2E, 1S, 1SE, 1E, 1NE, 1E, 3SE, 1E
Dig to reveal another exit east. Go east into the Lair of the Legendary Couatl, and you should find three mobs including the Legendary Couatl. (None of these mobs are too hard to kill so they shouldn't pose too much trouble to kill.) Kill the Legendary Couatl for the following possible items: the rainbow colored wings of a couatl.
When you want to leave the tombs
2W, 3NW, 1W, 1SW, 1W, 1NW, 1N, 2W, 7N
Here you can get out by going either east or west. (*Note, that the way out west requires a mob to drop a black onyx key.)
6E, 2Up
This will take you back up to the graveyard itself.
1S, 3E, 2S
This will take you back to the Crossroads at a Fountain which is the recall room for the area.
If you choose to go west from the tomb intersection to get out.
Search to reveal another exit west.
4W, 2N
Kill the smiling guardian angel until it drops a black onyx key. Other possible loot items include: a bracelet of aged ivory.
Once you have the black onyx key you can unlock the north door.
Search to reveal another exit north if it's not already opened.
1N, 3W, 6N, 4W, 1N, 10W
This will take you back to the Crossroads at a Fountain which is the recall room for the area.
1SW, 1NW, 1SW, 1NW, 1SW, 3W, 1NW, 2W, 1NW, 1W, 1SW, 5W, 2S, 2W, 1NW, 4W, 1N, 1NW, 1W, 1NW, 3N, 2NE, 1E, 1NE, 4NW, 2N, 1NW, 17N, 1E, Up
1E, 3N, 1W
Kill the organist for a shimmering key. After you have the shimmering key from the organist.
1E, 3S, 1W, Down
1W, 4N
Kill the high priest for a small silver key. Other possible loot includes: a gold-trimmed robe of the high priest and a sturdy white banded staff. After you have the small silver key from the high priest.
8S, 1W, Unlock the down and go down.
Kill the Captain Raymore for a worn iron key. Other possible loot items include the following: a polished white longsword and a suite of burnished silver platemail. Once you have a worn iron key from Captain Raymore.
Up, 1E, 8N
Search to reveal a down. Unlock the down and go down.
Unlock the north and go north. Kill the undead shade of Zakarius until he drops the stone key. Take the stone key. (Zakarius does not leave a corpse so you can't autoloot the items from him.) The following items can be dropped by Zakarius: a silver flail
1S, Up
12S, 3W, Unlock the north door
Enter the sarcophagus (You will be teleported instantly to an area that is normally filled with aggro mobs that breathe poison gas and form against you.)
3W, 7S
Bash the east door or use passdoor to walk through it.
2E, 1S, 1SE, 1E, 1NE, 1E, 3SE, 1E
Dig to reveal another exit east. Go east into the Lair of the Legendary Couatl, and you should find three mobs including the Legendary Couatl. (None of these mobs are too hard to kill so they shouldn't pose too much trouble to kill.) Kill the Legendary Couatl for the following possible items: the rainbow colored wings of a couatl.
When you want to leave the tombs
2W, 3NW, 1W, 1SW, 1W, 1NW, 1N, 2W, 7N
Here you can get out by going either east or west. (*Note, that the way out west requires a mob to drop a black onyx key.)
6E, 2Up
This will take you back up to the graveyard itself.
1S, 3E, 2S
This will take you back to the Crossroads at a Fountain which is the recall room for the area.
If you choose to go west from the tomb intersection to get out.
Search to reveal another exit west.
4W, 2N
Kill the smiling guardian angel until it drops a black onyx key. Other possible loot items include: a bracelet of aged ivory.
Once you have the black onyx key you can unlock the north door.
Search to reveal another exit north if it's not already opened.
1N, 3W, 6N, 4W, 1N, 10W
This will take you back to the Crossroads at a Fountain which is the recall room for the area.
Vandyne Statue
From the Runic Temple recall in Rune:
1W, 2S
The easiest thing to do here is simply have an item that gives the passdoor spell. A druid's robe, or a mushroom from near Winterborn Mansion will do fine if you can't cast the spell in some form. Make sure that if you do use a mushroom that you have one for getting out also.
1E, 4Down
North in the NPK Entrance to the Crypts you should find the Vandyne Statue. (This statue uses Druid spells. She will web and blind you if she can see you.) The Druid smoke evocation or a flash bomb will be needed to blind the statue. Once she's blinded she's not too hard to kill even if you don't spell her up with any other negative spells. (If you use flash bombs to blind her that they won't be quite as effective as the smoke evocation spell.) Poison, plague, weaken, curse, faerie fire, and web her if you want to make the fight quicker. Once she dies you can loot the following possible items from her: a beautiful amulet made of white marble, a beautiful marble ring, a belt made of white marble, a bracelet made of marble, a bracer made of white marble, a mitre made of white marble, a pair of white marble gauntlets, a pair of white marble leg plates, a sheld made of white marble, a shimmering white cloak, a sword made of white marble, a white marble breastplate, an enchanted emerald scroll, and an orb of white marble.
1W, 2S
The easiest thing to do here is simply have an item that gives the passdoor spell. A druid's robe, or a mushroom from near Winterborn Mansion will do fine if you can't cast the spell in some form. Make sure that if you do use a mushroom that you have one for getting out also.
1E, 4Down
North in the NPK Entrance to the Crypts you should find the Vandyne Statue. (This statue uses Druid spells. She will web and blind you if she can see you.) The Druid smoke evocation or a flash bomb will be needed to blind the statue. Once she's blinded she's not too hard to kill even if you don't spell her up with any other negative spells. (If you use flash bombs to blind her that they won't be quite as effective as the smoke evocation spell.) Poison, plague, weaken, curse, faerie fire, and web her if you want to make the fight quicker. Once she dies you can loot the following possible items from her: a beautiful amulet made of white marble, a beautiful marble ring, a belt made of white marble, a bracelet made of marble, a bracer made of white marble, a mitre made of white marble, a pair of white marble gauntlets, a pair of white marble leg plates, a sheld made of white marble, a shimmering white cloak, a sword made of white marble, a white marble breastplate, an enchanted emerald scroll, and an orb of white marble.
Rune Portal to Void
From the Runic Temple recall
1E, 10S, 4W, 2S, 3Up
Unlock the east door with magic or other means.
Enter the room east and you should find yourself in an Oak-Screened Chamber. At midnight every night Alyrian time a curtain should appear in this room. If you enter the curtain you should find yourself standing at Mordred the Damned in the Ethereal Void. (*Note, that if you enter the void in this manner it will be fairly easy for others to follow you to try to CPK you. Also note that the portal is only one way so you will have to use another means of travel to leave the void again.)
1E, 10S, 4W, 2S, 3Up
Unlock the east door with magic or other means.
Enter the room east and you should find yourself in an Oak-Screened Chamber. At midnight every night Alyrian time a curtain should appear in this room. If you enter the curtain you should find yourself standing at Mordred the Damned in the Ethereal Void. (*Note, that if you enter the void in this manner it will be fairly easy for others to follow you to try to CPK you. Also note that the portal is only one way so you will have to use another means of travel to leave the void again.)
King Kraken
From the Main Gate of Pirate's Cove
1E, 4N, 7E, 1N
Prepare yourself for underwater CPK on the Sandy Beach so that you won't need to later.
1N, 2Down
Dig to reveal an exit southwest.
1SW, 2SE, 2E, 1N, 3E, 1S, 2SW, 1W, 3S, 6E, 1NE, 3N, 2W, 2S, 3W
You should find yourself in the Kraken's Throne Room. (*Note, that the king kraken is guarded by two other mobs that you will probably want to deal with first to reduce the damage you have to deal with when fighting the king kraken himself. Also note that as the king kraken is extremely aggro you may have to calm and attack the guards repeatedly in order to kill them. Another trick you can use is a smoke bomb to darken the room so the guards are unable to form with the king kraken against you; however, this will also make it impossible for you to target spells on the king kraken or the guards so you will be reduced to area affect spells which will initiate combat with the first mob in the room regardless of which it might be. As a final note, be aware that the King Kraken will breathe poison repeatedly so if you are not immune to poison be prepared to have to constantly cure poison on yourself.) When the King Kraken is dead you can loot the following possible items: a gaudy granite scroll, a tentacle of Kraken, an antique copper scroll, an eye of a Kraken, an odd piece of coral, an amulet of champions, and the heart of a Kraken.
*Some items are not from the corpse of the Kraken but from the chests in his treasure rooms which you need the key to unlock.
1E, 4N, 7E, 1N
Prepare yourself for underwater CPK on the Sandy Beach so that you won't need to later.
1N, 2Down
Dig to reveal an exit southwest.
1SW, 2SE, 2E, 1N, 3E, 1S, 2SW, 1W, 3S, 6E, 1NE, 3N, 2W, 2S, 3W
You should find yourself in the Kraken's Throne Room. (*Note, that the king kraken is guarded by two other mobs that you will probably want to deal with first to reduce the damage you have to deal with when fighting the king kraken himself. Also note that as the king kraken is extremely aggro you may have to calm and attack the guards repeatedly in order to kill them. Another trick you can use is a smoke bomb to darken the room so the guards are unable to form with the king kraken against you; however, this will also make it impossible for you to target spells on the king kraken or the guards so you will be reduced to area affect spells which will initiate combat with the first mob in the room regardless of which it might be. As a final note, be aware that the King Kraken will breathe poison repeatedly so if you are not immune to poison be prepared to have to constantly cure poison on yourself.) When the King Kraken is dead you can loot the following possible items: a gaudy granite scroll, a tentacle of Kraken, an antique copper scroll, an eye of a Kraken, an odd piece of coral, an amulet of champions, and the heart of a Kraken.
*Some items are not from the corpse of the Kraken but from the chests in his treasure rooms which you need the key to unlock.
Mark of Dignity - Old Armageddon Clanhall
In a room in the Armageddon Clanhall you should find a hidden pinch of sea salt. If you use the sea salt a demon should appear. You lead the demon all the way south in the clanhall and he should ask you to find someone capable of resurrecting a dead gnome on the floor. You will need to find the Padre of Dira in Sigil (You must nexus to the padre.) and bring him to the clanhall to resurrect the gnome. It's quicker if you nexus to Sigil to bring the Padre to the clanhall, but not required. It will take about four minutes for him to resurrect the gnome. After he does resurrect the gnome it will join your formation. Go north and west and use the gnome to scare the pirates from the LPK room. (*Note, that you must have the demon imp formed with you until after the gnome zombie spooks the pirates out of the room.) You may need to enter/exit the room multiple times for this to work. Once they are gone, all of your NPC formation member can be unformed. There's an invisible exit down which you can walk through. Down you will find a CPK room with an aggressive mob called the First Mate. (You will not be able to flee from the First Mate.) You will need a good tank for him. Once the First Mate dies, the person that gets the killing blow will receive the mark of Dignity.
Notes: The First Mate is immune to slash damage. Also note that immediately after the First Mate dies you will be attacked by a parrot. You will need form members healing the tank. Make sure that you have someone that can calm. (This mark currently appears to be on a cycle of two repops, it gives the mark the first two repops and then doesn't give the mark for two repops and then starts the cycle again.)
Notes: The First Mate is immune to slash damage. Also note that immediately after the First Mate dies you will be attacked by a parrot. You will need form members healing the tank. Make sure that you have someone that can calm. (This mark currently appears to be on a cycle of two repops, it gives the mark the first two repops and then doesn't give the mark for two repops and then starts the cycle again.)
King Grizzly
Start to kill the Deranged Grizzly Bears throughout Ogre Village repeatedly as they repop and the King Grizzly should soon appear and attack you. If you are able to kill him you will be able to loot the following items: a bearskin rug.
From the Soolay Forest wilds outside of Ogre Village
2S (This is the first of many invisible exits throughout Ogre Village.)
2SE, 3E, 1NE, 2SE, 1SW, 1S, 3SW, 1S (There is a small section of NPK with very aggro mobs next.)
1E, 2NE, 3SE, 1NE, 3E, 1S, 1NE (Again you are going through the wall, through an invisible exit.)
1N, 2NE, 1NW, 2N, 1NW, 1N, 3W
Prepare yourself for combat with three simultaneous dragons. When you are ready go north and you should find Firecress, Sorbrazze, and Sorfirre. (*Note, that it's suggested that you blind Sorfirre as quickly as you can by any means necessary as he can paralyze you. Also note that it's suggested that you kill Firecress and Sorbrazze first to reduce the overall damage you will have to deal with when fighting Sorfirre. As a final note the white dragon's claws are now on a very low repop so if you want them you may have to camp Sorfirre for a while.) When Sorfirre dies you can loot the following possible items: a pair of white dragons claws, a dragon tooth necklace. When Sorfirre dies you have a chance to access his treasure room.
1S, 1SW (Once again through a wall on an invisible exit.)
Go west and look for an exit Northeast. It will be visible if Sorfirre's Treasure Room is opened. (It doesn't open every time that Sorfirre dies so it may or may not be available to enter.)
You can only take one thing from Sorfirre's Treasure Room so if you happen to be using a trigger to pick up gold on the ground you will want to disable it.
When you enter Sorfirre's Treasure Room you should find three things: A pile of gold, a large red ruby, and a red dracon scale.
From this point you may want to find Havall. When you do find him give him the large ruby from Sorfirre's Treasure Room and he will trade you the skinning knife.
2S (This is the first of many invisible exits throughout Ogre Village.)
2SE, 3E, 1NE, 2SE, 1SW, 1S, 3SW, 1S (There is a small section of NPK with very aggro mobs next.)
1E, 2NE, 3SE, 1NE, 3E, 1S, 1NE (Again you are going through the wall, through an invisible exit.)
1N, 2NE, 1NW, 2N, 1NW, 1N, 3W
Prepare yourself for combat with three simultaneous dragons. When you are ready go north and you should find Firecress, Sorbrazze, and Sorfirre. (*Note, that it's suggested that you blind Sorfirre as quickly as you can by any means necessary as he can paralyze you. Also note that it's suggested that you kill Firecress and Sorbrazze first to reduce the overall damage you will have to deal with when fighting Sorfirre. As a final note the white dragon's claws are now on a very low repop so if you want them you may have to camp Sorfirre for a while.) When Sorfirre dies you can loot the following possible items: a pair of white dragons claws, a dragon tooth necklace. When Sorfirre dies you have a chance to access his treasure room.
1S, 1SW (Once again through a wall on an invisible exit.)
Go west and look for an exit Northeast. It will be visible if Sorfirre's Treasure Room is opened. (It doesn't open every time that Sorfirre dies so it may or may not be available to enter.)
You can only take one thing from Sorfirre's Treasure Room so if you happen to be using a trigger to pick up gold on the ground you will want to disable it.
When you enter Sorfirre's Treasure Room you should find three things: A pile of gold, a large red ruby, and a red dracon scale.
From this point you may want to find Havall. When you do find him give him the large ruby from Sorfirre's Treasure Room and he will trade you the skinning knife.
If you've spent any amount of time in Ogre Village then you've most likely had the Halfling called Jojo do some prank on you like pulling down your pants or punching an Ogre and blaming it on you, or some other such prank. The main purpose for Jojo is to annoy the crap out of everyone. The secondary purpose for Jojo is to test heroes in one on one combat with little to no combat spells. Jojo has very high saves so not many spells will affect her. If you are above or below hero level you won't be able to do this run.
There are a few items you will need before going to Ogre village. First you will need a set of digging tools (pick-axe and spade). Second you will need a stick of dynamite from the Wizard of Focault (ONLY the dynamite from Focault will work for this run.) . The final thing you will need is the Tablet of Ogre History. Sir Tristan repops with this tablet (He doesn't have it every repop.).
(When preparing to fight Sir Tristan remember that he is a Wizard/Psionic. The best strategy is to keep him blind. He can NOT be blinded through normal magic so don't bother trying. The only way to blind him is with a flash bomb. Poison/Plague can also help make him a little easier to kill. He doesn't hit particularly hard, but he can have weapons that do frost damage. If Tristan loses the blindness affect during combat flee immediately or throw a flash bomb to reblind him. He has a one second cast for the web spell.)
Once you have all the items you need head to Ogre Village and go to Bentnose's Hut. After 8 PM game time give him the Tablet of Ogre History. If Bentnose then goes off to the mountain, you will be able to continue, if he doesn't react then someone has already done the run and you will have to try again another time. When you're ready to continue go to the NPK Stinkfish River and head southwest. Go to the northwestern of the rooms named "In the Shadow of Mount Spitfire" and go down through the invisible exit. Go southwest and then up again. From there you go two rooms southwest and you should find a large boulder blocking the exit to the south.
Dig and a crack should appear in the boulder. Place the dynamite from Focault in the crack and the boulder should explode opening the way south. Move south and you should find Jojo there. It is suggested that you have someone to heal you to make the fight easier, but they can NOT be above level 239 or formed with you. You can alternate heroes to tank her if you wish, but only one can be in the room with her at a time or she will flee into Ogre Village and you'll then have to chase her down to finish the run.
Jojo has a number of possible items; however, you will not be able to tell which item until after you loot Jojo's corpse. The following items are dropped by Jojo: a black belt, a ninja crossbow, black hand-wraps, nunchaku of destruction, or a whip of mental strangulation.
There are a few items you will need before going to Ogre village. First you will need a set of digging tools (pick-axe and spade). Second you will need a stick of dynamite from the Wizard of Focault (ONLY the dynamite from Focault will work for this run.) . The final thing you will need is the Tablet of Ogre History. Sir Tristan repops with this tablet (He doesn't have it every repop.).
(When preparing to fight Sir Tristan remember that he is a Wizard/Psionic. The best strategy is to keep him blind. He can NOT be blinded through normal magic so don't bother trying. The only way to blind him is with a flash bomb. Poison/Plague can also help make him a little easier to kill. He doesn't hit particularly hard, but he can have weapons that do frost damage. If Tristan loses the blindness affect during combat flee immediately or throw a flash bomb to reblind him. He has a one second cast for the web spell.)
Once you have all the items you need head to Ogre Village and go to Bentnose's Hut. After 8 PM game time give him the Tablet of Ogre History. If Bentnose then goes off to the mountain, you will be able to continue, if he doesn't react then someone has already done the run and you will have to try again another time. When you're ready to continue go to the NPK Stinkfish River and head southwest. Go to the northwestern of the rooms named "In the Shadow of Mount Spitfire" and go down through the invisible exit. Go southwest and then up again. From there you go two rooms southwest and you should find a large boulder blocking the exit to the south.
Dig and a crack should appear in the boulder. Place the dynamite from Focault in the crack and the boulder should explode opening the way south. Move south and you should find Jojo there. It is suggested that you have someone to heal you to make the fight easier, but they can NOT be above level 239 or formed with you. You can alternate heroes to tank her if you wish, but only one can be in the room with her at a time or she will flee into Ogre Village and you'll then have to chase her down to finish the run.
Jojo has a number of possible items; however, you will not be able to tell which item until after you loot Jojo's corpse. The following items are dropped by Jojo: a black belt, a ninja crossbow, black hand-wraps, nunchaku of destruction, or a whip of mental strangulation.
Mulakanathos Burial Ritual
As you enter Mulakanathos from the north you should find yourself on the Northern Edge of the Boardwalk. Move one room southeast and search to reveal a down. Go down and you will be attacked by an armored oil dragonne. After you have killed it you will be able to loot the hunter's bones. (The bones are vis-death, so you will not be able to peek the dragonne to see if they are there or not, they appear to repop every time.) Once you have the bones dispel the dizzy room if you are able and go southwest. This should bring you to the southern-most of the Western Boardwalk rooms. Go two rooms west and one room southwest and you should find another down to a dark LPK room. Now that you have the hunter's bones you will be permitted to go down into the crypt. Once you are in the crypt open the casket, put the hunter's bones inside, and close the casket again. The casket will lock itself and a wave of serenity will radiate from the coffin as the passed hunter is laid to rest. You can then leave up and you should be rewarded by the keeper of the Vilrette for honouring the deceased hunter.
General Faren
As you step onto the shores of Irda Isle from the reef surrounding the island.
2E, 1NE, 1E, 2NE, 3N, 3E, 1N, 4E, 2N, 2W, 1N, 8W, 15N, 3W, 6N, 1W
Search to reveal an exit north if it isn't already open and move north into a Cavernous Entrance which is the recall and safe room for the Irda Isle Caverns.
7N, 5W, 4N, 5E
Dispel General Faren if he has the sanctuary spell affect, and then poison, plague, curse, weaken, and faerie fire him if you are able. Blind and web him next if you can. (His sword, if he has it, can randomly poison you so be aware of whether it is you or Faren that is shivering from poison.) If you wish you can backstab and flee until Faren has about 60% health left. Then you can bash him and flee until he dies. If you aren't strong enough to do direct combat with him this is the suggested method to solo him. Though it will take longer to do General Faren can easily be soloed at level 180 if you use the attack and flee method described as well as the disabling spells. Once General Faren dies you can loot the following possible items from him: a sword named stormchyld and the shield of war.
2E, 1NE, 1E, 2NE, 3N, 3E, 1N, 4E, 2N, 2W, 1N, 8W, 15N, 3W, 6N, 1W
Search to reveal an exit north if it isn't already open and move north into a Cavernous Entrance which is the recall and safe room for the Irda Isle Caverns.
7N, 5W, 4N, 5E
Dispel General Faren if he has the sanctuary spell affect, and then poison, plague, curse, weaken, and faerie fire him if you are able. Blind and web him next if you can. (His sword, if he has it, can randomly poison you so be aware of whether it is you or Faren that is shivering from poison.) If you wish you can backstab and flee until Faren has about 60% health left. Then you can bash him and flee until he dies. If you aren't strong enough to do direct combat with him this is the suggested method to solo him. Though it will take longer to do General Faren can easily be soloed at level 180 if you use the attack and flee method described as well as the disabling spells. Once General Faren dies you can loot the following possible items from him: a sword named stormchyld and the shield of war.
Mama Dragon
As you step onto the shores of Irda Isle from the reef surrounding the island.
2E, 1NE, 1E, 2NE, 3N, 3E, 1N, 4E, 2N, 2W, 1N, 8W, 1N, 7W
You should find yourself at the Sudden End of the Forest. Prepare yourself here by casting any buff spells you need to and/or healing, or changing gear if you are using anything that isn't insulated. (Mama Dragon's breath attacks are very hard on gear so it's suggested to bless your equipment before going in to the room with her.) Once you are fully prepared for no-magic combat.
You should find the Mama Dragon in this Massive Cavern. (Beware of the stalactites that can fall in each of the three rooms prior to the Mama Dragon's room.) The Mama Dragon is aggro so you may or may not need to attack her directly to enter combat. Poison and flash bombs can make the battle a bit easier, but if you blind her she tends to breathe more often and therefore do more damage overall. (You will need to be sure that you flee combat before you get too low on hit points and expect to be hit by at least one stalactite as you move north to the room where you can cast spells to heal yourself. Also note that Druids are suggested to make use of the water invocation spell to reduce the damage from her fire breath attacks.) When the Mama Dragon finally dies you can loot no more than 2 items from her on each repop. The dragon's claw will not be visible until after she dies, but the other four possible loot items will be visible before she dies so if you peek at her inventory and find nothing there then you won't get more than the dragon's claw as loot at the very most. The following items are possible loot from the Mama Dragon: a dragons claw, a dragon bone ring, a dragon jaw helmet, a pair of green dragonscale sleeves, and the leggings of an elder dragon.
2E, 1NE, 1E, 2NE, 3N, 3E, 1N, 4E, 2N, 2W, 1N, 8W, 1N, 7W
You should find yourself at the Sudden End of the Forest. Prepare yourself here by casting any buff spells you need to and/or healing, or changing gear if you are using anything that isn't insulated. (Mama Dragon's breath attacks are very hard on gear so it's suggested to bless your equipment before going in to the room with her.) Once you are fully prepared for no-magic combat.
You should find the Mama Dragon in this Massive Cavern. (Beware of the stalactites that can fall in each of the three rooms prior to the Mama Dragon's room.) The Mama Dragon is aggro so you may or may not need to attack her directly to enter combat. Poison and flash bombs can make the battle a bit easier, but if you blind her she tends to breathe more often and therefore do more damage overall. (You will need to be sure that you flee combat before you get too low on hit points and expect to be hit by at least one stalactite as you move north to the room where you can cast spells to heal yourself. Also note that Druids are suggested to make use of the water invocation spell to reduce the damage from her fire breath attacks.) When the Mama Dragon finally dies you can loot no more than 2 items from her on each repop. The dragon's claw will not be visible until after she dies, but the other four possible loot items will be visible before she dies so if you peek at her inventory and find nothing there then you won't get more than the dragon's claw as loot at the very most. The following items are possible loot from the Mama Dragon: a dragons claw, a dragon bone ring, a dragon jaw helmet, a pair of green dragonscale sleeves, and the leggings of an elder dragon.
Mark of Valor - Simon Bloodbane
As you step onto the shores of Irda Isle from the reef surrounding the island.
2E, 1NE, 1E, 2NE, 3N, 3E, 1N, 4E, 2N, 2W, 1N, 8W, 15N, 3E, 7N, Up
3W, 4S
You should find yourself Standing in the Massive Throne Room. Lord Bloodbane should be in this room unless he's been recently killed. (This room is an NPK room so be aware of who is in the area if you're concerned about being PK'd.)
Dispel him until his sanctuary spell is gone at least. Once he no longer has the sanctuary spell affect go ahead and poison, plague, curse, weaken, and faerie fire him if you can. You may need to use flash bombs to blind him, after he's blinded you will probably want to web him as well to prevent him from throwing bombs. Unless you also silence him he will almost immediately start summoning elementals that will form with him. If you are psionic or have one in formation they can spook the elementals out of the room until his form is full, or you can blind them with magic or a flash bomb. (*Note, that using a flash bomb on the elementals is quickest, but doing this will generally make it so that during combat all the elementals will lose the blindness affect at once and join combat at the same time.) You can try to use energy drain spell to drain away Lord Bloodbane's spell points, but it can take a while to accomplish this. When Lord Bloodbane is close to death he will almost always cast momentary darkness if he has the spell points to be able to so and isn't silenced. You will want to make sure he's definitely poisoned and plagued near the end of combat so that he doesn't regenerate too much while the room is darkened. (*Note, that having an item to dispel the darkness such as the negation orb can be very useful if/when Lord Bloodbane casts momentary darkness. Also note that due to the very high level of his momentary darkness spell it can be hard to dispel by means of casting the dispel area spell. As a final note, keep in mind that if Lord Bloodbane is able to see you then he can randomly cast high level spells such as energy orb, ice/firebolt, etc. If you aren't prepared for these spells to hit you they can kill you very quickly.) After Lord Bloodbane dies you can loot the following possible items: a bloodbane family ring, a bracer of destruction, a diamond gemstone, a set of overlord armor, a summoning pentagram, a waxed piceous scroll, the Bloodbane combat gloves, the mighty sword of Bloodbane, the Overlord's helm, the Overlords necklace of protection, and a skull of Riga.
To obtain the mark, you will need 18 courage
2E, 1NE, 1E, 2NE, 3N, 3E, 1N, 4E, 2N, 2W, 1N, 8W, 15N, 3E, 7N, Up
3W, 4S
You should find yourself Standing in the Massive Throne Room. Lord Bloodbane should be in this room unless he's been recently killed. (This room is an NPK room so be aware of who is in the area if you're concerned about being PK'd.)
Dispel him until his sanctuary spell is gone at least. Once he no longer has the sanctuary spell affect go ahead and poison, plague, curse, weaken, and faerie fire him if you can. You may need to use flash bombs to blind him, after he's blinded you will probably want to web him as well to prevent him from throwing bombs. Unless you also silence him he will almost immediately start summoning elementals that will form with him. If you are psionic or have one in formation they can spook the elementals out of the room until his form is full, or you can blind them with magic or a flash bomb. (*Note, that using a flash bomb on the elementals is quickest, but doing this will generally make it so that during combat all the elementals will lose the blindness affect at once and join combat at the same time.) You can try to use energy drain spell to drain away Lord Bloodbane's spell points, but it can take a while to accomplish this. When Lord Bloodbane is close to death he will almost always cast momentary darkness if he has the spell points to be able to so and isn't silenced. You will want to make sure he's definitely poisoned and plagued near the end of combat so that he doesn't regenerate too much while the room is darkened. (*Note, that having an item to dispel the darkness such as the negation orb can be very useful if/when Lord Bloodbane casts momentary darkness. Also note that due to the very high level of his momentary darkness spell it can be hard to dispel by means of casting the dispel area spell. As a final note, keep in mind that if Lord Bloodbane is able to see you then he can randomly cast high level spells such as energy orb, ice/firebolt, etc. If you aren't prepared for these spells to hit you they can kill you very quickly.) After Lord Bloodbane dies you can loot the following possible items: a bloodbane family ring, a bracer of destruction, a diamond gemstone, a set of overlord armor, a summoning pentagram, a waxed piceous scroll, the Bloodbane combat gloves, the mighty sword of Bloodbane, the Overlord's helm, the Overlords necklace of protection, and a skull of Riga.
To obtain the mark, you will need 18 courage
First you will need to obtain the black key from the iron-bound chest east of the enchanter Cymeneth. To unlock this chest you will need to get the iron key from Focault himself. (This chest is also the one that can repop with the heart-shaped amulet.) Once you have the black key from the iron-bound chest go back two rooms west to the Narrow Corridor.
1S, 2E
Search to reveal a north exit.
2N, 2E, Down, 1W, 2Up, 1S, 2E, 2N
Unlock the north door.
Prepare yourself for CPK combat if you choose/need to and move north into the Vault where you should find Bent. (*Note, that he's not particularly hard to kill.) You can unlock and open a chest in this room which has the flag hide-long-descr so you won't actually see it in the room. The magic lock scroll can repop inside this chest, and also on Bent himself. (If you decide to linger so that you can repeatedly kill Bent for magic lock scrolls, the Vault is no-quit, no-recall, and you can't dig in the room so a black moonstone and/or featureless white cube will not help you get out of the room. The only ways out are to either unlock the door south and leave that way or to void out and you will appear back at the recall room, a Shadowy Entrance Hall. As a final note, the black key that unlocks the Vault door and the chest in the vault has only about 6 uses so you may want to keep track of how many times you use the key if you do choose to spend time in the Vault and don't want to have to void out in order to leave.)
1S, 2E
Search to reveal a north exit.
2N, 2E, Down, 1W, 2Up, 1S, 2E, 2N
Unlock the north door.
Prepare yourself for CPK combat if you choose/need to and move north into the Vault where you should find Bent. (*Note, that he's not particularly hard to kill.) You can unlock and open a chest in this room which has the flag hide-long-descr so you won't actually see it in the room. The magic lock scroll can repop inside this chest, and also on Bent himself. (If you decide to linger so that you can repeatedly kill Bent for magic lock scrolls, the Vault is no-quit, no-recall, and you can't dig in the room so a black moonstone and/or featureless white cube will not help you get out of the room. The only ways out are to either unlock the door south and leave that way or to void out and you will appear back at the recall room, a Shadowy Entrance Hall. As a final note, the black key that unlocks the Vault door and the chest in the vault has only about 6 uses so you may want to keep track of how many times you use the key if you do choose to spend time in the Vault and don't want to have to void out in order to leave.)
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