Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Mulakanathos Burial Ritual

As you enter Mulakanathos from the north you should find yourself on the Northern Edge of the Boardwalk. Move one room southeast and search to reveal a down. Go down and you will be attacked by an armored oil dragonne. After you have killed it you will be able to loot the hunter's bones. (The bones are vis-death, so you will not be able to peek the dragonne to see if they are there or not, they appear to repop every time.) Once you have the bones dispel the dizzy room if you are able and go southwest. This should bring you to the southern-most of the Western Boardwalk rooms. Go two rooms west and one room southwest and you should find another down to a dark LPK room. Now that you have the hunter's bones you will be permitted to go down into the crypt. Once you are in the crypt open the casket, put the hunter's bones inside, and close the casket again. The casket will lock itself and a wave of serenity will radiate from the coffin as the passed hunter is laid to rest. You can then leave up and you should be rewarded by the keeper of the Vilrette for honouring the deceased hunter.

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