Monday, August 25, 2008


From recall of Vir (Healer's Room), go:
s;e;se;ne;e;ne;n;w;w;w;nw;w;s;d;n;ne;ne;ne;n;e;e;e to a locked door. Cast magic unlock on it if you have it available. Once you unlock the door, go all east and attack Vextrinas, the priestess of Fire.

She is harder than Beyonder himself. Spell her up and she will dispel herself soon and get rid of her beneficial spells. She is immune to bash, hurts with energy and breathes fire. This can hurt on top of the wide variety of spells she will cast, including enervation, ice and fire bolt, form attack spells, and psionic spells. She will also web you. When she nears death, it's best to antimagic sphere the room because she will cast momentary darkness. Once she dies, loot a fire key from her. This key is vanish death, so don't die with or you will lose it. Remove curse this key and search for an east at the altar.

Set your defense to dodge and wear an improved invis item to prevent getting paralyzed. From the altar, go: east, d, 2s, 2se, s, 2sw, nw. Search for another nw. Go nw, w, nw (private room), 2sw. This is where a chained guardian will be. Dispel it and fully spell it up. It's a psionic mob, and not too hard. You need to get a palladium pick from him. Unlock west, and go west to the CPK. If you feel like preventing others from following you, you can choose to lock the door back. Enter the gate once you are ready.

Go south from here and you will be at "The Source". This is where Beyonder is, and he isn't aggressive. The room is also vanish-drop so don't bother dropping anything of importance to you. Peek him, if he has a frosted translucent (ice whip) scroll, you may want to remove flaming weapons or equipment. Beyonder can be hurt with flames, slash, bash or pierce. Other forms of damage won't work on him, and he is also immune to necromancy. Use dispelling weapons to get rid of his beneficial spells. Once those are gone, web him to prevent throwing bombs, and you can also poison him. Keep the tank healed and Beyonder should be fairly easy. He now casts bolt spells, so watch out. He also does form attack spells, energy orb and extinction. Nevertheless, he is much easier than Vexatrinas, as you can easily calm incase of an emergency and he won't reattack you. Once you defeat him, go south of him and enter the portal to leave the place. You will be at the Town Square of Vir.

  • A form of well-equipped 3-5 archons and heroes is recommended for this run.
  • Beyonder's normal loot is a frosted translucent scroll (Ice whip), shroud of stars, shiny twinkle, wand of nothingness, and polearm called 'Cosmos'
  • 220 AP can be split between all the archons in the form.

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