Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hotel Hello

This run has three parts to it. The first part is killing the titans, the second part involves a maze and collecting artifacts for the third part, and finally the third part is killing the main mobs.

At entrance, you need to get a wooden key.
First, obviously, make sure you go there early. Check for keys on the hags and if none have one, kill them until one respawns. Keys may appear when killing them, and not be visible normally.

The ceremonies are at 12pm and 4pm, so try get there around 8 to check for keys. If you get straight in, you can use the extra time to do other parts.

PART I – The Titans

[Tribal Village]

{Normal} – Normally the village is not burnt, and you will need to walk into the centre of the village where the sacrifice area is. Once there, at 12 and 4 pm the chieftain will come out and start the ritual. Simply say “yes” to him, then spam stand (or say stand if you’re mounted) and he will send you down into the pit. From there, spam north until you reach the raft. It’s a good idea to try time this until just after a tick to prevent the random death trap killing anyone when you fall. The village also offers a reagent shop (all west from sacrifice area) and a televiewing mob (all East from sacrifice pit) when not burnt.

{Burnt} – When the village is burnt, which happens on specific moon phases, you can simply walk into the village at any time to get up into the clouds. When it’s burnt go all north, down and spam all north until on the raft. Normal random death occurs within the pit still.

[Volcano] [Key Items: Zapper Fang, Firecat Whisker]

{Clouds} Follow the path: sw, w, nw, nw, nw, d, ne, ne, d, se, se, s, d, n.
Kill any zappers along the way. If you reach the bottom and don't obtain a fang, work your way back up finding and killing zappers until you have one. When you enter the "n" on the end of the path, make sure your entire form isn't casting and is with you, as you will be instantly teleported. Often it’s a good idea to send your formation in first before the person with the fang walks into the room.

Follow the path: s, ne
Kill fire cats in this area until you have a whisker (loads on the ground when they die), when you have the fang AND whisker in your inventory, and your entire form is ready, again send them into the room with the gate keeper and have the person with the whisker and fang walk in afterwards.

Follow the path: ne, e, d, ne, se, d, ne, e, d, nw, d, s.
When you enter the final s room, you need to walk in, not flee in. Bring your whole party in and answer the riddle using sayto when you know it. A couple of the riddles answers are:

- What's 4 and 5? Answer: "9"
- What smells good after death? Answer: "pig"
- What comes without being fetched? Answer: "stars"
- The more you take, the more you leave behind? Answer: "footsteps"
- Hope of everyone on this terrestrial ball? Answer: "tomorrow"
- Works while broken? Answer: “heart”
- Brings sadness, happiness? Answer: “memory”
- Never was, always to be, confidence of all? Answer: “tomorrow”
- Ripped from my mother's womb, I become a blood-thirsty slayer? Answer: “iron”

Once you answer correctly, you will be at the Catacombs of Mist.

[Catacombs of Mist] [Key Items: Bloody Wind Pipe, Eye of Death] Follow the path: 5e, 5s, sw, nw, sw, nw, sw, 3 nw, 3 n
Along this path, after the 5e, you will encounter 3 dizzy rooms in a row. You’ll need to dispel or flee a lot to get through them. Dispel is recommended, bring an orb if you can. After the jagged sw, nw, etc path, the second nw will be through a wall, into 2 rooms full of mobs. Normally it’s best to attack mobs in the first room and flee north, so you can walk through the wall in the north room.

You will then be face to face with Leandra.

Leandra Encounter: Leandra is relatively easy. Spell her up as much as possible before attacking her. Have a Psionic plague her, then have someone flee and antimagic the room. Cycle tanks as needed, reapply antimagic and plague as needed. Each time antimagic runs out, have the entire formation recast spells on her while the antimagic person attempts to recast it. When she dies pick up the eye from the ground.
Follow the path: (3s, 3se, ne, se, ne, se, 5n, 5w) to go back.

Now back at the safe, have everyone respell up, regen to full and have everyone removing flaming gear.
Follow the path: 3n,w,n. When ready, unlock north and have your main tank walk in first and begin attacking her. Everyone else should follow afterwards.

Laerethanel Encounter: Once you begin fighting him, don’t plan to flee. The door will randomly close and lock you in, so if you aren’t strong enough to take him without fleeing, you’d best get more people. Otherwise, pretty simple. Just keep healing the tank. Laerethanel is immuned to all forms of anti-regeneration, so you need to rely on preservation of mana. The room is also low regen. Use cure light where possible, and if you get low on mana, remove your haste. Once Laerethanel is dead, Leandra’s ghost will appear and speak a little. Remember to wait until the windpipe drops and pick it up, then enter portal.

Part II – Maze
*Get 1 person to kill water beast. And the remaining of the form can obtain items from the maze.
[Water Beast] [Key Item: a silver goblet]
From water garden, all north, east, SE, down (wait for teleport)
Follow the path: NW, N, N, D, NE, SE, S, SE, SE, S, S, (dig)
[Pixie will ask you if you want to kill the beast;say yes;it will open the SE exit]
Be invis, defense dodge, get equipment ready. Beast can be spelled up fully. He scream paralyzes. Loot a silver goblet from him. Once he is dead, go up (wait for teleport)
Follow path: w, s, s, w, w
Now you will be back at entrance to hotel (where the latch is; columned portico.)

[Hedge Maze] [Key Items: Cog, Gem Encrusted Key, Ice Covered Key, Hedge Key, a petrified twig]
Hidden at the shed, all west, all north, all east (search) from the entrance.
Once inside, spam north to go through all the hedges and to get past the vines. Once at a dead end, head 5 east, 3 north, east, 2 north, northwest, 2 west, south, east, south, 2 west, 2 north, 3 west, north, west, south, west, south, 4 east, up, and north. This will bring you to the troll.

Troll Encounter: Troll is hidden, is a psionic and will regularly break forms. He's easy, attack, dispel and hit him with bash or energy weapons and spells. Repeat until you obtain a twig from him (key item).

Continue, north, down, north, east, south. Search to reveal a northeast, unlock with the twig and go in.
Gargoyle encounter: He's hard to dispel, so it's far easier to just attack if you're in a group. Web him, make sure EVERYONE has autoloot on as his corpse explodes. Grab the gem encrusted key (key item) from him. After he's dead, have everyone enter the pool.

Then head 2 east, 2 north, northeast, east, 3 south, east, south, east, 4 south, east, 3 north, east, 6 north, east, 5 south, southeast through the wall. This room is a safe room in the fact it's no-mob, so heal up and armor up in here in preperation for the next battle. Then head south, west, 2 south, and east into CPK.

Unruh Encounter: Unruh is in a CPK room, so be careful not to die. He'll continually summon hell hounds if you spook them out of the room until he has no more room in his formation. There are 4 methods to killing this guy. First, use a psionic to continually spook out the hellhounds until his formation is full. Second, blind the hell hound he summons, calm and attack continually until he dies. Third, use a flash bomb on him, blind him and the hellhound (easy). Once he's dead, the tank will more than likely be webbed, so ward up. Make sure you loot a misshaped cog from him (key item). The room is vanish-drop so don’t drop anything important here.

Once you have the cog, head west, 2 north, east, north and heal up again. When ready, go northwest back through the wall, then 9 north [be careful and make sure this is EXACT, 1 too many and you can't get back], east, south, 6 east, south, 3 east, south, east, 3 north, west, south. Around here (northwards back around the path) is a mob that is hidden and requires sense life, he has an icy key, which is needed to leave the hedge maze. You can steal this or kill him for it. Once you obtain the key, return to the place you left and unlock the door down.

Unlock the door; go down, north and west. In this room or the room west is a guard, he has an icy guard key, another required item to leave. Steal or kill for this key too, then head west, south, west through the door. Search to obtain the fountain key, last key needed to leave. Go east, unlock south, go south, search, unlock up and up. Get everyone to drink from this fountain until they get teleported away. Note: If you have someone who can't drink water in the form, tell them to go west until they see a skeleton and enter it. Go 4 south and you're out of the hedge maze. Follow the path all west, all south and 3 east to the start.

** Everything from the hedge maze has now been obtained. **

PART III - Hotel
[Gargoyle Maze] [Key Items: a small key]
From Columned Portico, follow the path: 5n, e, 2n, 5e, s, (search) e, [unlock down – need gem encrusted key][open down], d, sw, e, e, se, w, w, nw. ne. [search], down.

Put the artifacts in the altar when it appears (fang, windpipe, whisker, goblet, cog). Grab the small key off the ground.
Follow the path: e, n, e, nw, sw, u, w, n, 5w, 2s, w
This brings you to the clock. If your group did not follow you down into the Gargoyle Maze, bring them all north from the Columned Portico.

[Hotel Roof] [Key Items: Rooftop Key]
Wear cog, use cog, and have everyone enter grand. Spell up and take break if needed. Veldra is next, so be ready with shields and dispelling weapons.

Unlock south, s, 6e, se, sw, se, sw, se, sw, nw. - Look for Veldra.

Veldra Encounter: She scream paralyzes, casts bolt to random people in the formation. Dispel her with dispelling weapons, weaken her and plague her (again, Psionic plague works best). It’s also recommended that you either have a shield on, with defense to auto or shield block, or have up telekinetic shield. Anyone with under 2500 HP should not participate in this encounter. Occasionally, she will calm to cast swarm and then ice wind. So as soon as she calms, re-attack her. She also randomly hurts critically anyone in the form. Heal anyone who is low. She will drop a key to the floor. Grab the key and…
Follow the path: 2w, nw, sw, 3w, n, unlock east.

Veldra Encounter 2: She will appear as Suzarra. Here you can look at Suzarra to see what possible loot you can get from her. Attack Suzarra and she will turn back into Veldra. Keep loot on. Veldra gives the Mark of Success, but now it seems to be on a random. Loot the keys from her corpse.
Follow the path: s, 3e, ne, se, 2e, se, ne, nw, ne, nw, ne, nw, 6w, n
Back to the antechamber. Wait here while an earthquake happens and once over, stand up and rebuff and rewear your armor.

[Hotel Rooftop] [Key Items: a small bone key]
From the antechamber, unlock up and…
Follow the path: 2 up, s, 5e, se, sw, se, sw, se, sw, se, sw, 4w, n, ne, e
You will now be at the Warmaster.

Warmaster Encounter: He is a psionic, he calms, and memory drains to attack. Dispel with dispelling weapons first up, use normal casting tactics. If he calms, have the main tank attack again, so he memory drains them instead of other people. Make sure at least one person always has cure blindness memorized. Cure plagues if you desire by fleeing west and coming back in. Psionic plague works wonders here. Have auto loot on, as his corpse explodes. Warmaster gives the Mark of Sanity, but this mark also seems to be on a random.

Follow the path: w, sw, 4w, s, 3w, n, nw, ne, (Search for northeast) 2ne, se, 2n, 2e, 2s (walkthrough), u
Kill Guardians, they are ethereal. Area attack spells work to hurt them. Get the small bone key. Tell all the formation to go down, and the person with the key stays up, unlocks south and goes south. Suzarra will reward them and they will be teleported back at the entrance gates. The rest of the formation can go back up, south and say exit to leave.


From Leandra: kiss of death stiletto, death-head bracelet, web of lies
From Laerethanel: ice wind scroll (opalescent blue), ironheart axe, seven faces of death
From Veldra: onyx mortar and pestle, reanimate scroll (glowing crystalline), swarm scroll (musty black), Veldra’s silk gloves, Uzbaki Staff
From Warmaster: Bascinet, dark corseque (polearm), ironheart axe, Uzbaki Cloak
From Suzarra: 3 types of favors [sidhe/fey only 1 charge of abjure per day, 5 charges of forget per day], Suzarra’s breastplate, Lock of Suzarra’s Hair

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