Sunday, August 24, 2008


A basic knowledge of Ogre Village will help the reader of these guides complete the runs, by getting around faster, and avoiding hazards.

Recall to Bentnose: s;se;s;s;sw;s;sw;sw;s;e;ne;ne;9se;4sw;s;sw;w;sw;s;sw;s;se;s;se;s;s;se (Watch out for the tentacle, while crossing the bridge)
Recall to Jojo's Hut: se;se;s;sw;sw;s;sw;sw;sw;e;s;sw;w;d;sw;u;sw;sw

Before you go to Ogre Village, you're going to need the following equipment for this run.
A length of rope (General Store in southern Xaventry)
a man-sized fish hook (Fisherman Joe in Irda Isle)
An ogre, preferably hero or archon

On the bridge on the way to Bentnose, kill the tentacle using either bash or magic damage. He can paralyze you, so be careful. Go into the deeper part of Ogre Village, and kill Bentnose (be sure not to blind him, as he'll prevent fleeing). Now, with an ogre as the formation leader, go to Crashtree and enter the forest. All form members are going to want underwater breathing. The ogre leading the formation can only take one member at a time, so be patient. Follow this path until you're in a CPK room. Drop the rope, then the fish hook, and wait. The Whompfish will come, and you'll have to kill him. He has a variety of form-damaging attacks, and can silence anyone in the form. The emphasis should be on keeping the tank, and everyone, healed. The Whompfish drops Lasha's bracelet, an axe made of ogre bone, a magnetic fishbone (sextant), and an astral.


  • This run is restricted to levels 181-240, and Ogres of any level.
  • The tank should always be around 80%, or higher, especially if using a hero tank.
  • The battle room is underwater, so feys need to be careful.

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